Set in an alternative universe during an ancient civilization, force users were not governed by a overarching council. The force is not split at this time, but rather all techniques were approved including powers describe by others as dark. Ze'rik a lone warrior on his planet, discovered his wife (Zannaha) to be kidnaped by a band of unholy Spirits (the Rephaim). The Rephaim carried off Zannaha to their underground kingdom tunneled meters below the surface. Ze'rik arms himself with his green saber and a variety of slug throwers, pushes aside the stone door guarding the entrance to the Rephaims’ home and drops to the stone floor.. . .
Force sounds include - force lightning and a force throw
Blaster sounds are different in this font - this is actually Ze’rik firing at his enemies and include a shotgun blast and a few pistol shots.Purchase Includes: 4 Blaster Effects ,3 Boots ,16 Clashes , 2 Force Effects , 1 Hum , 1 Lockup, 2 Power off's , 4 Power On's, 1 Forward Power On, 16 Swings, 4 Combos, 1 Font, 4 Spins, 4 Stabs.
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