The Sound of Myths and Fables Trilogy inspired by the writings of the same series by George Mann for Plecter CFX and Proffie OS - All three fonts available for a reduced package price.
What is included - 3 fonts
The Dark Wraith - CFX and Proffie Edition
The Wanderer - CFX and Proffie Edition
The Knight and the Dragon - CFX and Proffie Edition
Each Font Includes: Plecterlabs CFX Version ProffieOS Version,8 Blaster Effects, 1 Boot Sound, 32 Clash Effects, 6 Force Effects, 1 Hum Sound, 1 Lockup Effect, 1 Drag Effect, 2 Poweroff Sounds,5 Poweron Sounds, 40 Swing Sounds, 8 SmoothSwing Pairs, 4 Spin Sounds, 4 Stab Sounds, 4 Bgndrag/Startdrag Effects, 4 Bgnlock/Startlock Effects, 4 Enddrag Effects, 4 Endlock Effects, 1 Color Sound, 1 Font Menu Sound, 1 Ambiance Track
(This is a large file, please be patient with download time)