- Atlan's Trident
- Ice Planet Assault
- Krypton's Last Son
- Rogue Vader Legacy CF7 Edition No Smoothswing
- Rogue Vader CFX
- 2049
- 8-Bit Saber for CFX
- A New Path
- A' Sharad Hett
- A. I for CFX
- A. I for Proffie
- Achluophobia
- Achluophobia
- Acolyte
- Acolyte Dark Master for CFX
- Acolyte Dark Master for Proffie and Xenopixel
- Acolyte Inda for CFX
- Acolyte Inda for Proffie and Xenopixel
- Acolyte Jackie for CFX
- Acolyte Jackie for Proffie and Xenopixel
- Acolyte Master Poison for CFX
- Acolyte Master Poison for Proffie and Xenopixel
- Acolyte Nacca for CFX
- Acolyte Nacca for Proffie and Xenopixel
- Acolyte Path to the Dark Side for CFX
- Acolyte Path to the Dark Side for Proffie and Xenopixel V3
- Acolyte Sol for CFX
- Acolyte Sol for Proffie and Xenopixel
- Acolyte Yor for CFX
- Acolyte Yor for Proffie and Xenopixel
- Acolytes Wrath
- Adegan
- Adegan Dual Core
- Adegan Dual Core
- Adi Gal for CFX
- Adi Gal for Proffie
- Age of Battle: Frontlines
- Age of Battle: Frontlines
- Alien Vortex for CFX and GHV3
- Alien Vortex for Proffie and Xenopixel
- Alita Battle Angel for CFX
- Alita Battle Angel for Proffie
- Alliance Hero
- American Psycho for CFX
- American Psycho for Proffie
- Americas First Avenger
- Americas First Avenger Tesseract Version
- Amethyst Warrior
- Ancient Integration
- Ancient Relics: Shiva for CFX
- Ancient Relics: Shiva for Proffie
- Ancient Saber
- Ancient Weapon Trinity Force
- Ancient Weapon Trinity Force Sabers
- Angel Warriors Seraph for CFX
- Angel Warriors Seraph for Proffie
- Anger
- Anger and Lust for Power
- Angry Ani Ep 3
- Angry Ani Ep 3 Proffie
- ANH Legends CFX
- ANH Legends Gold Edition CF8 Optimized
- ANH Legends Proffie
- Ani Ep 3 Deluxe for CFX
- Ani Ep 3 Deluxe for Proffie
- Ani Vintage CW for CFX
- Ani Vintage CW for Proffie
- Ani-Mation CFX
- Ani-Mation Deluxe for CFX
- Ani-Mation Deluxe for Proffie
- Ani-Mation Proffie
- Ani's Apprentice (Rebels) for CFX
- Ani's Apprentice (Rebels) for Proffie
- Anubis
- Arbiter
- Arch Angels Blade
- Arenakin for CFX
- Arenakin for Proffie
- Ashes
- Aurora Borealis
- Aurora Borealis
- Awakening
- Awesome Maul for CFX
- Awesome Maul for Proffie
- Baby Trainer CFX
- Baby Trainer Proffie
- Baldur’s Lilarcord Talking Sword for CFX
- Baldur’s Lilarcord Talking Sword for Proffie
- Bane
- Bangarang Hook and Pan
- Barab Ore Ingot
- Barge
- Battle K-NO-B
- Battle K-NO-B
- Battle Luke
- Battle Luke
- Battle Rey
- Battle Rey
- Ben's Betrayal
- Ben's Betrayal
- Bespin II
- Betray-Riss for CFX
- Betray-Riss for Proffie
- Beyblade for CFX
- Beyblade for Proffie
- Black Hole CFX - GH - Proffie
- Black Jaguar Panther
- Black Saber Flamberge
- Blackstar
- Blackstar
- Bled to Red
- Blind Knight
- Blind Master for Proffie
- Blind Master for CFX
- Blocks by Fighter's Saber Fonts
- Blue Lady Master CFX
- Blue Lady Master Proffie
- Boba S1E5 Mando Saber for CFX
- Boba S1E5 Mando Saber for Proffie
- Bobablaster
- BOBF Luke
- Boo! Haunted House
- Boogeyman - Halloween/Michael Myers Inspired
- Boonta Champ
- Boots To The Head (Boot Sound Package)
- Bounty Hunter
- Brawler Remastered
- Broken Master
- Broody Maris CFX
- Broody Maris Proffie
- Caedus
- Caedus
- Calamity by Fighter's Saber Fonts
- Caliban
- Calibrate CFX
- Call of Duty for CFX
- Call of Duty for Proffie and Xenopixel V3
- Cane Saber
- Captain Jack
- Celestial by Kitbash Custom Sabers and Starfall Sabers
- Celtic Jetai
- Chain Whip
- Chainsaw
- Chainsaw Hail to the King Baby
- Champions of the Ancient Democracy
- Chaos for CFX
- Chaos for Golden Harvest V3
- Chaos for Proffie
- Chaos for Xenopixel V3
- Cherubim's Blade
- Chewy!
- Chidori Nagas
- Chomper and Lancer for CFX
- Clone Battles
- Clone Wars
- Clone Wars CFX- Proffie
- Commander Bridger for CFX
- Commander Bridger for Proffie
- Conflict
- Corbin's Killer Bee
- Corellian
- Corruptor for CFX
- Corusca
- Count Pajamas CFX
- Count Pajamas Deluxe for CFX
- Count Pajamas Deluxe for Proffie
- Count Pajamas Proffie
- Cracked Ego
- Crazed Vengeance
- Crimson Dominion
- Crimson Shade
- Crimson Shade
- Crom for CFX GHV3
- Crom for Proffie
- Crouching Jedi Hidden Saber
- Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon for CFX
- Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon for Proffie
- Crystal Harvest Complete Series (All 15 fonts)
- Crystal Workbench
- Crystalline Workshop
- CW - KF
- Cybersword for CFX
- Cybersword for Proffie
- Cybersword for Xenopixel V3
- Cyrano
- Dad of Boy - God of War Inspired
- Daddy Issues
- Dagobah HD
- Dantari
- Dark Apprentice
- Dark Apprentice
- Dark Assassin
- Dark Child
- Dark Disciple
- Dark Empire
- Dark Empire
- Dark Energy
- Dark Knights
- Dark Knights
- Dark Lord
- Dark Lord Unleashed (Not for CFX or Proffie)
- Dark Luke
- Dark Matter for CFX
- Dark Matter for Proffie
- Dark Side Blademaster
- Darkness Reborn
- Darkside Chant
- Darth Krayt
- Darth Maul HD
- Darth Sidious
- Darth Z
- DBZ - Super Soundfont Pack
- Dceu Flash
- Dead or Alive for CFX and GHV3
- Dead or Alive for Proffie
- Deadly Cin
- Deadzone for CFX GHV3
- Deadzone for Proffie
- Death Rattle Legacy Plecter
- Deckard Blade Runner
- Defective
- Defender
- Defiant One
- Demon Slayer for CFX
- Demon Slayer for Proffie
- Desert Dragon for CFX
- Desert Dragon for Proffie
- Desert Princess
- Desert Slayer
- Desert Slayer CFX Edition 2023 Update
- Desert Slayer Proffie Edition 2023 Update
- Destabilize
- Destiny
- Disciplined Knight
- Doctor of the Mystic Beyond
- Dooku
- Dooku HD