He is known by many names...The Shadow, Old Master...now just Maul...
Possess the old, double-bladed, and broken Inquisitor saber of he who will not die, until he has had his revenge. This font has a dynamic and slightly unstable hum faithful to what is heard in the series, mirroring the saber's old and broken user as he nears the end of his path to revenge.
Also included is the "Final Duel Experience" which allows your saber to be set up with a combination of preon, poweron, force, combo/blaster, poweroff, and preon effects to replicate the final duel between old rivals.
Font includes over 180 audio files: 8 Blaster, 65 Boot, 16 Clash, 1 Color, 12 Combo, 4 Endlock, 3 font, 14 force, 1 hum, 1 lockup, 1 plus, 1 minus, 4 poweroff, 10 poweron, 6 preon, 8 postoff, 4 spin, 4 Stab, 16 swing